Chips represent complex entities in small blocks, such as a contact. A chip can contain several different elements such as avatars, text, and icons.
Description | The color to use from your application's color palette. Default options are: "primary" , "secondary" , "tertiary" , "success" , "warning" , "danger" , "light" , "medium" , and "dark" . For more information on colors, see theming. |
Attribute | color |
Type | "danger" | "dark" | "light" | "medium" | "primary" | "secondary" | "success" | "tertiary" | "warning" | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | If true , the user cannot interact with the chip. |
Attribute | disabled |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
Description | The mode determines which platform styles to use. |
Attribute | mode |
Type | "ios" | "md" |
Default | undefined |
Description | Display an outline style button. |
Attribute | outline |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
No events available for this component.
No public methods available for this component.
No CSS shadow parts available for this component.
Name | Description |
--background | Background of the chip |
--color | Color of the chip |
Name | Description |
--background | Background of the chip |
--color | Color of the chip |
No slots available for this component.